function clock() {
// (3) Obtain "figure" class(image of the number)
var figures = document.getElementsByClassName('figure');
// (4) Obtain the "date" ID (Date display area)
var date = document.getElementById('date');
// (5) Obtain the current time
var now = new Date();
// (6) Set the digits for the hours
figures[0].src = 'images/figure-' + tendigit(now.getHours()) + '.png';
figures[1].src = 'images/figure-' + onedigit(now.getHours()) + '.png';
// (7) Set the digits for the minutes
figures[2].src = 'images/figure-' + tendigit(now.getMinutes()) + '.png';
figures[3].src = 'images/figure-' + onedigit(now.getMinutes()) + '.png';
// (7) Set the digits for the seconds
figures[4].src = 'images/figure-' + tendigit(now.getSeconds()) + '.png';
figures[5].src = 'images/figure-' + onedigit(now.getSeconds()) + '.png';
// (8) Display the date
date.textContent = renderDay(now.getDay()) + ", " + renderMonth(now.getMonth()) + " " + now.getDate() + ", " + now.getFullYear();